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来源:高考英语网 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

III. 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

We arrived in Spain for the first time a few weeks ago. I decided to ___21___ a car because we had sold the one we had in England before ___22___ home. Yesterday the sales office rang us to say the car was ___23___. I had tried out a model like it before, but as I was not yet ___24___ driving in this city, my wife did not want me to collect it ___25___ so we went together to ___26___ it. We paid for the car and ___27___ the papers. They told us that there was ___28___ petrol(汽油) to take us to a garage, where we could fill up. The ___29___ garage to the office was about 100 yards away and we got there 30. But when I turned into main road I suddenly saw a lot of cars racing ___31___ me. I got out of ___32___ as fast as I could by backing into the garage ___33___ and the man behind ___34___ me.

“It’s such a problem to ___35___ to drive on the right side, isn’t it?” my wife said. “Yes, if only I had had a few lessons for ___36___.” I replied. “You had better go ___37___ on the way home,” my wife said. “You’d be sorry if you had ___38___ on the first day, wouldn’t you?” While we were talking, the man behind got out of his car and said in good English,” Would you mind telling me ___39___ you are thinking of leaving? ___40___ are you going to sit in your car all day?”

21. A. borrow B. drive
C. buy D. choose

22. A. leaving B. making
C. returning D. getting

23. A. right B. ready
C. fixed D. sold

24. A. sure of B. satisfied with
C. interested in D. used to

25. A. on my own B. right away
C. in a hurry D. on the way

26. A. receive B. bring
C. order D. fetch

27. A. accepted B. wrote
C. signed D. copied

28. A. little B. enough
C. much D. no

29. A. best B. nearest
C. quickest D. cleanest

30. A. lately B. directly
C. safely D. slowly

31. A. after B. with
C. around D. towards

32. A. their way B. the garage
C. their sight D. the car

33. A. at last B. once more
C. as usual D. as well

34. A. caught B. cheered
C. shouted at D. chatted with

35. A. prepare B. continue
C. choose D. remember

36. A. discussion B. adventure
C. experiment D. practice

37. A. carefully B. smoothly
C. quickly D. differently

38. A. an error B. a problem
C. as accident D. a headache

39. A. when B. why
C. how D. what

40. A. For B. Or
C. But D. So





