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1-5 BADBD 6-10 CCBCA 11-16 DCBADA 17. 55061640 18. French 19. Century 20. Elementary 21. His brother / The man's brother 22. 8:00 / 8 o'clock / eight o'clock 23. City Square 24. Law and Order 25-30 CBABAD 31-35 DCBDD 36-40 BCDBC 41-45 DBAAB 46-50 CBCDD 51-55 BDDAB 56-60 DCCAB 61-65 ACDBA 66-70 CADAA 71-75 BCDBB 76-80 BAADD 81-85 CADCC 86-89 DBBC
1. Please make up your mind / make your decision as early as possible / you can, or you'll miss the good / golden chance / opportunity.
2. It's very hard for those who haven't been to the small village to describe its beauty.
3. Washing hands often / frequently / regularly is one of the effective ways to avoid being infected by disease(s).
4. The railway crosses / goes across the plain and connects /, connecting the remote mountain(ous) city with the sea port.
5. The historical novel about / describing World War I / the First World War is so attractive that I can't bear (to do ...) / stand parting with it putting it down (back, aside) / leaving it aside.
Listening Comprehension
Part A Short Conversations
1. M: Are you going to the shopping center tonight?
W: Tonight? I have to work on my physics test tomorrow.
Q: What does the woman mean?
2. M: The prices at the grocery store have increased a lot. Now green beans cost $1.50 a pound.
W: I know. Five years ago they were only a third that price.
Q: How much did a pound of green beans cost five years ago?
3. M: Could you have Jane Smith come in for an interview?
W: Sure, I will call her up immediately, sir.
Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
4. W: Could you please have my car ready at 5 o'clock?
M: Sure, the damage is not that serious.
Q: Where did the conversation probably take place?
5. W: We do need another bookshelf in this mom. But the problem is the space for it.
M: How about moving the old table to the kitchen?
Q: What does the man suggest doing?
6. W: I hear Mary is looking for a new job.
M: She has seldom worked at any job for more than a few weeks.
Q: What does the man say about Mary? 7. W: Look at this photo. It was taken at Marvin and Joan's wedding ceremony ten years ago.
M: I know. It's so embarrassing, isn't it? I couldn't believe I had such long hair.
Q: What are the two speakers talking about?
8. W: Did you notice who John was talking to at the party?
M: I was too busy greeting all the guests.
Q: What does the man imply?
9. M: Does Monica speak English well now, Carol?
W: Well, she learns new expressions quickly but she forgets them in no time.
Q: What do we learn about Monica?
10. W: Does Ben really want the scholarship he's applied for?
M: No one wants the scholarship more than Ben.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
Part B Passages
Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.
Gloria Latrobe is studying psychology at New York University. She was once a waitress working at Top Club in New York for a few weeks.
One day Gordon Williams, an English business- man, came to the club. Gordon happened to be interested in psychology, and he talked a lot with Gloria. Finally he gave her a check for $10,000 to pay for her last year of college, which was really a big tip for her.
Gloria described Mr. Williams as "a nice English gentleman" and told the story again and again on television in the US. Unfortunately, Gordon's bank wouldn't pay the money because Williams didn't have $10,000 in the bank and he even didn't re- member giving the tip at all.
But there was a happy ending to the story. Top Club in New York were so pleased that the club's name was in every newspaper in Britain and the United States that they gave Gloria Latrobe the $10,000 to pay for her last year at New York University.
(Now listen again, please.)
11. Where did Gloria work as a waitress?
12. Why did Top Club pay Gloria the money?
13. What is this story mainly about?
Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following news.
Now it's ten o'clock, time for brief reports.
More Money to Go into Fighting Disease
SARS is a kind of severe lung disease that has broken out in many parts of China. An additional 900 million yuan will be given to keep SAKS under control in the central and western areas of China. The total fund will reach 2.9 billion yuan.
Hot Soup Risk to Children
Settling down to watch TV with a hot bowl of soup might be a nice thought this winter, but it could prove dangerous -- particularly for children, health professionals warned yesterday. Children were risking significant burns to their body when eating heated instant foods in front of the TV.
Coffee Cuts Disease Risk
Coffee-drinkers may have a lower risk of Parkinson's disease, research indicated. 8000 men in the US were studied over 30 years. "Those who did not drink coffee were three times more likely to develop Parkinson's disease than coffee-drinkers," the study reported in the British Medical Journal.
Benefit of Vitamin C
English researchers have found that vitamin C is associated with several helpful changes such as reduced upper body soreness during recovery, and muscle function has also improved the day after exercise. (Now listen again, please.)
14. How much extra money will be put into the SAKS control in China?
15. What will reduce Parkinson's disease risk according to the news?
16. What effect would vitamin C bring according to English researchers?
Part C Longer Conversations
Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
W: Hello. Wolfson College Language School. Can I help you?
M: Yes. I'd like to attend your foreign language class. Can I enroll over the phone?
W: Yes, of course. May I have your name please?
M: Tony. My family name is Brown.
W: OK. Do you have a telephone number?
M: Yeh. It's double five o six sixteen forty.
W: 55061640. Thank you. Now, which language would you like to learn? We have French, German, Japanese and ...
M: Ah. I'd like to take French, please.
W: OK. Our classes are given in different places. Where do you live?
M: In the Lake District.
W: Well, in that case, your nearest classroom is in our branch school called "New Century". It's near Central Park. By the way, have you learned French before?
M: I'm afraid not.
W: We describe our classes by level. Your class is called "Elementary".
M: I see. Elementary.
(Now listen again, please.)
Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.
M: I'm glad shopping is over now. Honey, let's go home.
W: But I should go to the office. I've got lots to do.
M: OK. I'd better hurry. My brother's waiting at the house to help carry the television in.
W: Good. I hope he'll still be there when I get home. I haven't seen your brother for ages. Oh, I forgot to tell you. I'll be late home tonight. I've got a meeting at 5 o'clock.
M: When do you think it will end?
W: I'm not sure. Still, I should be home by eight. If later than 8 o'clock I'll call you.
M: OK. It's nice now that your office is in City Square. You don't have to travel very far.
W: Yeh. Taxi drivers always know where City Square is, too. By the way, are you going to watch "Law and Order" on TV tonight?
M: What did you say? What TV show?
W: "Law and Order".
M: Of course I am. I'll tell you what happened when you get home.
(Now listen again, please.)


重点单词   查看全部解释    
assured [ə'ʃuəd]


adj. 确实的,保障的,有自信的 动词assure的过

untidy [ʌn'taidi]


adj. 不整齐的,懒散的

regulate ['regju.leit,'regjuleit]


vt. 管理,调整,控制

interview ['intəvju:]


n. 接见,会见,面试,面谈
vt. 接见,采

unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl]


adj. 不平常的,异常的

hospitality [.hɔspi'tæliti]


n. 好客,殷勤,酒店管理

attractive [ə'træktiv]


adj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的

branch [brɑ:ntʃ]


n. 分支,树枝,分店,分部
v. 分支,分岔

assignment [ə'sainmənt]


n. 分配,功课,任务,被指定的(课外)作业;(分派的)

reliable [ri'laiəbl]


adj. 可靠的,可信的






