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时间:2012-08-05 17:18:15 来源:华尔街日报 编辑:justxrh  每天三分钟英语轻松学

Recent flooding in Beijing exposed a number of fissures within the city, ranging from public discontent with senior officials to a lack of faith in potential rescue efforts.

Now add one more: Long-simmering frustration with taxi drivers.
The state-run China Daily reported earlier this week that Beijing city transportation officials have launched an investigation into taxi drivers' overcharging and refusing to take passengers. The issue has steamed locals in recent days during and after the flood, as rain made getting around a slog. The city has set up hotlines for consumers to call in and complain.
News of the investigation prompted many Weibo users to vent their personal tales of displeasure.
'As a resident of Beijing, I am ashamed of the service quality of Beijing's taxi drivers. I hope the government can adopt reasonable policies improving the management of taxis while ensuring they can make enough money,' wrote one.
But some wondered if the Beijing government will follow up on their promises. One user wrote, 'Will anyone be answering (this hotline)? And when they do pick up, will they do anything with our complaints?'
In a city with so much else to gripe about--pollution, anybody?--taxis seem to inspire a special sort of ire among Beijingren. The stereotype goes something like this: They are invisible in the rain. They are driven by new immigrants from rural provinces with little knowledge of the city's roads and even less of driving laws. They refuse to pick up locals/foreigners/people with children/people with pets/anyone at all. One Weibo user asked, 'Are we only allowed to complain on rainy days? What about (these practices on) sunny days?'.
Like most stereotypes, this one is mostly unfair. Beijing cabbies endure low wages and have been buffeted by high fuel costs. The typical driver earns around 3,000 yuan ($471) per month and the cost for repair if water impairs the engine is around equal to their monthly wage, according to an article published by state-run Beijing Youth Daily. You'd be grumpy too.
Since taxi companies didn't return our calls, China Real Time was forced to engage in the hoariest of reporter clich钼s: interviewing taxi drivers. Fortunately for us, Mr. Muo, of Beijing's Shouqi Car Rental, proved to be a voice of moderation as well as an adequate chauffeur as he schlepped us home last night. 'These drivers should be investigated--they give all of us a bad image,' he said.


相关热词搜索: 洪灾 北京 出租


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